Implementation Tour

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Business Introduction

     People Introduction

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People Introduction

"People" are the most important non-financial asset of any business. It is therefore critical that this resource be properly managed. AMS helps the CEO and the senior team understand what all people should to be doing to help them add  maximum value to the business. AMS also helps all staff better manage their own day-to-day "actions" and gets everyone striving to improve their efficiency and productivity. AMS directly aligns all staff actions with those of the business so everyone can see how their job is making a relevant contribution to the business.

AMS automatically documents actions allocated to individuals to remind them of their commitments. AMS generates emails and Action Reminders on due dates for Project Actions, Incident Resolution, and Performance Reviews.

The menu boxes on the right side of this Implementation Tour define the AMS "people" steps. Start at the top of the menu and work downwards to see the logic of these implementation steps.
(8) Job Roles need to be defined as the first step in the AMS "people process" because everyone must have a Job Role.
(9) Staff Resources (the people) are then added and each person is assigned a roles. Obviously many people can have the same role (e.g. a sales person) but their individual job may have different elements and measures.
(10) See Accountability requires that Business Step #3. ("action definition") has been completed as a prerequisite, because the next "people" step (Step #11) requires that people know what they are accountable for so that their job can be properly defined.
(11) The Job 5x5 is the most critical step in the people process. This is where the jobs of all people are created and the definition of how their success will be measured is specified.
(12) Source Knowledge is created as both a repository and directory of both the business and personal information necessary for people to efficiently perform the actions of their jobs.
(13) Manage Time allows people to record the time they spend on any aspects of their job or of a special Improvement Project. This allows AMS to record the "real" focus on the most important project, job, and DNA actions.
(14) Initiate Incidents is where either "random or planned actions" can be logged for resolution. An incident always requires action by a person allocated to resolve it. Therefore if an incident is created then it is not forgotten by anyone and is logged by AMS and given a priority to resolve.

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